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News about Pilgrimages in the Holy Land, Nov. 2003
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Vatican City (Fides Service ) – A pilgrimage to the Holy Land is a way to respond to Pope John Paul II’s urgent call on Sunday 16 November to build “bridges not walls” in the Holy Land. A pilgrimage is a bridge of solidarity and witness. It unites Christians in the West with those who suffer from poverty and war in the Middle East. In fact as Christmas approaches Christians always look to those Holy Places and take new courage to plan a visit despite the danger.

Fides learned from the Franciscans in the Holy Land who are at the centre of pilgrimage destinations in Bethlehem that bookings for groups are coming in fast, several pilgrimages have been announced for the month of December.

The Rome based tour operator Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi works hard to ensure that every pilgrimage is a path of peace particularly in the Holy Land. It aims to break the barriers of hatred divisions, to build bridges of dialogue, encounter, love and peace.

In 2003 particular attention was given to the Holy Land Terra Santa to answer the cry rising from the Land where Jesus was born. The Franciscans ask the faithful: “help us and encourage us with the courage of your presence as pilgrims! This is the hour of authentic pilgrimage, solidarity, witness and peace.”

Despite the news shown by the media, it is safe to visit the Holy Land. Pilgrims returning from recent visits to the Holy Places speak of the warmth and affection shown by local Christian communities and of a peaceful prayerful pilgrimage, a moment of profound spirituality.

In 2003 Opera Romana took about 1.000 pilgrims to the Holy Land and it has many groups booked for December and January. The Italian Bishops have encouraged dioceses to organise visits to the Holy Land in 2004. It is hoped that next year there will be more pilgrimages to Israel and Palestine that in 2003.

The Council of European Bishops Conferences at its meeting in October in Lithuania, voiced concern for the tragedy in the Holy Land reconfirming solidarity with the Christian Churches in the Middle East and it also encouraged Christians n Europe to visit the Holy Land. Special initiatives for Christmas 2003 include a pilgrimage to the Holy Land of the World Youth Orchestra, sponsored by UNICEF and the Franciscan Holy Land. The young musicians from all over the world will give a concert in Jerusalem and carry a message of dialogue and harmony among peoples.

(PA) (Fides Service 27/11/2003 lines 47 words 516)

Cardinal says Holy Land pilgrimages elevate Gospel understanding, NEWS BRIEFS Nov-25-2003, By Catholic News Service

JERUSALEM (CNS) -- Pilgrimages to the Holy Land elevate the understanding of the Gospel to another level, said Cardinal Pio Laghi, who led a group of 50 Italian pilgrims on a Nov. 24-27 visit. "In a way, when you just study the Gospel, it remains flat. Coming here elevates your understanding of what the Gospel says," said Cardinal Laghi, a former nuncio to the United States and the retired head of the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education. Coming to the Holy Land not only benefits the pilgrim but also all the people living in the area, said Cardinal Laghi, who said he recommends that Catholic pilgrims return to the holy sites. "Our pilgrimages also benefit those here who are witnesses to the faith and who have been challenged because of the situation. We have to support them not only with our spirit of solidarity but also (we must) do something for them," he said.

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