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Franciscan News, Dec. 2004
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Franciscan leader hopes for breakthrough in Holy Land , Jerusalem, Dec. 22, 2004 (CWNews.com)

Jerusalem, Dec. 22, 2004 (CWNews.com) - Father Pierbattista Pizzaballa, who heads the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land, is hoping for significant changes in the political climate there.

The Franciscan leader reported that Christians in the Holy Land feel a "fresh breeze" in the political climate, and are "waiting for the political changes that seem to be on the horizon."

Father Pizzaballa spoke to Vatican Radio on December 22-- the date set aside as a special day of prayer for peace between Israeli and Palestine, at the request of bishops from northern Africa and the Arabic world. He responded to questions about the coming Palestinian presidential election, and the promise by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to seek a government of national unity.

"For several years there have not been much talk about the prospects for change," Father Pizzaballa said. "Now, we are beginning to be hopeful, and that in itself creates a new climate."

The election of a new Palestinian leader will be particularly crucial, the friar said. The death of Yasser Arafat has caused a new opening in the region, and the the January 9 balloting in Palestinian territories will be "a critical test case" for the future of representative government and for peace prospects, he said.

Father Pizzaballa confirmed that interim Palestinian president Abu Mazen would attend midnight Mass on Christmas Eve in Bethlehem-- filling the role that Arafat had played in recent years. Rahwi Fattouh, the president of the Palestinian parliament, will also attend, as will Palestinian prime minister Abu Ala.

The attendance of these political leaders, the Franciscan Custos observed, makes the midnight Mass "a civil event" as well as a religious service. He said that the Franciscans who administer the basilica of the Nativity do their best to accommodate their political guests "so that, as far as possible, a sacred atmosphere and a spirit of prayer are preserved."

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